women who are ready to reconnect with their bodies, undo chronic patterns of self-neglect, and hyper-productivity & experience greater health and aliveness.


Do you ever wonder if you’ll experience life without the sense of stress and disconnection you’ve been accustomed to?

  • Do you find yourself imagining how it would be to feel more deeply connected to yourself? 

  • Do you ever daydream about all the things that might open up for you in your life if you could move through the world more in tune with your body, your inner wisdom and a sense of spaciousness? 

  • Do you want to understand, navigate and transform your trauma responses? To learn to befriend and reshape your nervous system towards greater health, growth and restoration? 

  • Do you want to step off from the constant hamster wheel of urgency and overwhelm and know how to find a sense of safety and security inside your own being?

  • Are you tired of always putting the needs of other people before your own? And feeling depleted and resentful because of it?

  • Are you ready to learn how to speak up for yourself, to honor and express your needs and embrace your vulnerability in ways that allow more authentic connection? 

  • Do you feel like you’ve lost touch with yourself and you really want to feel like you KNOW yourself…more deeply than ever before?

IF the answer is YES to any of the above, please read on as you are in the right place.

It’s taken you a lot to get to this point.

You are no stranger to personal growth and healing.

You’ve been committed to this for a long time, and my goodness have you come a VERY long way from where you were. 
(I’d love to invite you to celebrate that, in any way that feels possible right now, however small - because it really is something to celebrate).
And yet…there is this deep stirring in your soul that there is MORE AVAILABLE TO YOU. A deep longing for reconnection and greater sense of aliveness. 

You know it's possible to create the changes you crave, but you feel stuck in entrenched patterns of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, doubt...and you can’t seem to find your way into a new place.

(invitation: exhale...That’s it. And maybe another. Because I know you’re probably holding your breath right now).

You’ve done the mindset stuff. The talk therapy.

Now you’re feeling ready to go deeper into your healing….

To include your body and your nervous system. To move out of living your life in survival mode and that sense that you can never really soften into yourself. 

And…You want to know what’s really going on in your hormones and your stress axis. Because you want to support yourself to heal on a deeper level than you’ve done before and you’re pretty sure there is stuff going on there and you want to know so you can address it.

Maybe you have burnout, too…or you can see that left unaddressed, that’s where you’re heading…

and you want to actually KNOW what’s happening in your adrenal axis (because let’s face it, the doctor’s are generally pretty rubbish when it comes to the mind-body connection and can leave you feeling like you’re imaging it when you know that you’re not). 

You’re looking for a soulful and body-based way to progress on your healing path and discover more presence and vibrancy…

because at the root of it all, what you really want is to experience MORE FREEDOM.

If you’re nodding your head and body is resonating with this, RESTORING ALIVENESS might just be the perfect fit for you…




What you receive

  • 1:1 bi-weekly calls 1hr 20 mins (x 12)

  • Unlimited access to me via email in between sessions

  • The most in-depth adrenal and hormonal testing (DUTCH test) and full written report

  • Bespoke guidance on rebalancing the body + addressing adrenal + hormonal health via botanical medicine and nutritional guidance.

  • Access to online Restoring Aliveness Hub where all home practice/worksheets/resources will be held - yours to keep forever.

  • Forever toolkit of somatic nervous system practices specifically chosen for you


£5250 for 6 months

Payment plans are always available, options to pay in 3, 6 or 9 monthly instalments.


To support your deepest healing

To prioritize your safety and expansion every step of the way

To listen deeply, witness you and be calm and regulated presence

To meet you exactly where you’re at

To always treat you with respect and tenderness

To celebrate you every step of the way


Book your connection call

You’ll get an email confirmation right away, and a reminder before our call too

We will have our Zoom call and get to know each other and see if we are the right fit to do this work together

If you’re a full BODY YES…and so am I…we’ll take the next steps to start this journey together


I call THIS work ‘Integrative trauma resolution’ for a reason…

Trauma doesn’t only disrupt our nervous systems. It also disrupts the balance of our whole endocrine (hormonal) axis and our adrenal health. 

These disruptions left unidentified and unresolved can have a big negative impact on our healing pathway - life and business. 

It is very hard to move towards the physiology of safety inside ourselves and expand our nervous system when we have unrecognized disruptions to our adrenal (HPA axis) and to our hormones. 

Whilst the root cause of these imbalances involves chronic nervous system dysregulation, only working somatically can be a limited approach that can also take more time. For instance, if our blood sugar is extremely dysregulated because we are not eating enough, are fasting, eating excessive sugary foods etc, we will be over-secreting stress hormones into our body. We cannot find embodied safety inside a system that is over-responding with excessive stress hormones. Holistic issues like this left unchecked cause a vicious cycle, ringing our alarm bells inside and keeping us trapped in a nervous system that is constricted and tense and a body that lacks vitality. 

In an example such as these, no amount of somatic work will resolve that entirely. We ALSO need to KNOW what dynamics we are working with in our physiology and hormones. The only way to know this is to TEST, not guess. When we combine nervous system somatic work with holistic medicine in this way it can be extremely powerful and a fast track to our healing (note: fast track does not mean quick fix).  


I have an in-depth understanding of the biology of trauma and I am also an experienced integrative health specialist and medical herbalist so I combine my wealth of knowledge when working with my clients to help them resolve trauma and move towards greater embodied safety and vibrancy - mind, body and spirit.