Somatic coaching + trauma resolution for heart-led, sensitive entrepreneurs who are ready to do the deep body-based work to step into their next level of leadership and bloom in their business.



For most of my life I felt afraid to be seen.

On the outside I seemed confident and assured, but on the inside I felt small, fearful and unworthy.  

I lived in a body that I was utterly disconnected from. And I had no idea.  

I felt like I was always on the outside, looking in. Like there was this thing between me and really being in the world as the person I knew deep down I was…Like I was living in a plexiglass dome and I could see what was available to me on the other side but I didn’t know how to get there…And I had no context through which to make sense of my experiences or myself. 

Growing up I suffered from eating disorder, social anxiety, clinical depression and severe gut disturbances. This chronic health issue (named ‘IBS’) landed me in A&E and in lots of appointments to doctors, but no-one could ever give me any answers…I was just sent away with antispasmodics and told ‘everything is fine’. But clearly, it wasn’t.  

What I realise now and wish someone could have helped me understand all those years ago, is that I was suffering from unresolved trauma and chronic nervous system dysregulation.  

Because when I understood that, everything else made sense. I made sense.


These core issues followed me into my business and relationships…

I remember always feeling like I was stuck. Stuckness isn’t always an easy thing to describe, and it's certainly not an easy thing to feel. 

I was highly qualified, creative and intelligent…I knew that I had so much potential, so much power…But I had no idea how to move forward in the ways I wanted to actually feel this. 

I looked around at other women in business doing what I wanted to be doing, speaking up for themselves, sharing their wisdom from a place of ownership and expression…and I felt so lost…

I started to tell myself I actually didn't want those things. 

I didn't want success

I didn’t want financial sovereignty

I didn’t want to be the leader I knew I was

I came up with all sorts of strategies rooted in disconnection and denial to help me feel better about the stuckness I felt (and to get me off the hook from having to do the vulnerable and scary work of learning how to root into my power).


I told myself things like ‘those women probably aren't that happy anyway’, ‘they’re just faking it’.

And whilst I downplayed other women’s success, I also tried to convince myself that I was happy just coasting along in life. I spiritually bypassed my deeper desires by telling myself I didn’t need those things to be contented. This was my pride showing up to try and protect me from the shame and stuckness that I felt underneath.


Here’s what I believe:

We cannot ignore the wisdom of our body and expect to live a vibrant, fulfilled and purposeful life. 

We can’t deny our needs, our DESIRES and at the same time expand in our life and business. It doesn’t work like that and it’s not supposed to. 

There is a price we pay everytime we push our heart’s desires back down inside and cover them up with pride, disconnection or denial. 

Our heart’s desires are stirrings from our soul calling us into more of a relationship with LIFE ITSELF.


And importantly, I believe that we can only do this when we learn to undo the constriction and stuckness of trauma and rewire our nervous system to new inner baselines of safety and connection.


Learning about trauma was a pivotal moment in my life

About 6 years ago I had a monumental shift that forever altered my life and my business.

I stood in my kitchen holding a steaming cup of tea and I suddenly had the embodied understanding - like a penny dropping down into my solar plexus - that I was suffering from the effects of trauma. At that moment I felt as if, for the first time, I made so much sense. It was a deeply validating and comforting experience because I finally had a lens through which I could understand myself and all of my struggles in a new way. (A way that didn’t say ‘well, you’re just screwed up and not like anyone else’). I remember thinking ‘of course!’ - as if, how could I have not known this for so long. Because once I knew, it was all just so obvious.

This realisation, and the journey I took myself on in its aftermath, completely changed the way I saw myself, my clients, my family, my relationships: everything. It was the catalyst for so much healing and growth and it is the reason why I was able to stop living in so much fear, hiding from the world and myself and start using my voice and gifts to create a new life and successful business.


Whether we realise it or not, trauma and its impacts affect us all.

For so long not only have we had a very limited understanding of what trauma actually is, how it shapes us and how to work with it effectively, but we have also entirely left it out of conversations in business and entrepreneurship.

This is a conversation that needs to happen and one I have been initiating for years, because when we don’t have this conversation we create so much harm and we block our evolution, both on individual and societal levels. This is also why I created ANCHORED - my trauma-informed professional certification programme. 

My personal journey towards resolving my own trauma, healing my nervous system and finding an authentic connection to my wholeness is what led me to where I am now.


Just look at the world We live in…

I believe that Western civilisation is inherently traumatic and growing up within it can condition all of us to attach our worth and identity to what we produce, to live to work, to try and prove ourselves through power, position, wealth.

We live in a society that constantly feeds us messages every day of our life that we are not quite enough, and that we need to ‘fix’ or change ourselves in order to be. The chronic exposure to these kinds of messages and cultural energy is trauma, too.

:And when we place that side by side of the kinds of individual trauma we experience growing up, the effect on the self is compounded.

My approach is gentle and paced, soulful and science-backed, generously resourced and radically compassionate…

A luscious mix of science, somatics and soul. I integrate trauma-resolution, somatic practice, nervous system reshaping, attachment repatterning and integrative medicine - a unique and potent healing alchemy designed to meet my clients exactly where they’re at.

My deep intention is to guide my clients on a journey to reconnect to their body and help their nervous system to rewire and release stored trauma so that they can move away from old patterns and wounding and towards greater expression, expansion and personal freedom.

I help my clients to connect to their own inner wisdom and resources and empower them to make embodied changes (not just mindset ones) so that they can cultivate safety and connection in themselves and move towards authentically being in the world who they truly are.

I invest a lot in my own growth and development - on a personal and professional level and I am a passionate believer that we must live what we teach.

My credentials + Professional Trainings 

  • BSc Herbal Medicine (1st Class)

  • MSc Psychology (Distinction)

  • PG Clinical Psycho-Neuro-immunology 

  • 200 RYT Yoga Teacher + Yoga for Emotional Trauma + Eating Disorders 

  • Certified HeartMath Coach

  • NARM (Neuro-Affective-Relational-Model) Informed Professional

  • DAR-e (DAR-e 1, 2 + 4)

  • Somatic Practice

  • Trauma Recovery Coach 

  • Havening Techniques Practitioner 

  • BWRT Therapist (Brain Working Recursive Therapy)

  • Plus many other CPD workshops and trainings on all things nervous system, trauma + mind-body medicine.


“Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.”

C.G. Jung