In all of my client relations, I agree to: 

Treating you with dignity, respect

Honor your confidentiality and anonymity 

Co-creating with you clear boundaries around our working relationship

Offer you compassion, non-judgement and attunement

Only have relationships that are platonic (romance or sexuality is not part of our professional client-coach relationship dynamic)

Relationships that have a singular focus

  • No dual relationships unless agreed before the start of our work together

  • If we do agree to enter into a dual relationship (for example, we are already friends – so we have a dual relationship of being friends as well as in a therapeutic relationship) we will explore this new context together, create shared agreements and continue to check-in with each other about the work so that we both have a feeling of security.

No relationships that have a conflict of interest. If any potential conflicts exist or arise, to be transparent about these.

Ensure that my qualifications, expertise and skillset are appropriate to meet your needs. In instances where I feel this is not the case, I will be transparent about this and if agreed with you, refer you to a professional who is a better fit for you.

Clearly communicate your financial investment for our work together Keep accurate records of our work together and ensure these are stored appropriately, stay confidential, and comply with the requirements of GDPR. 

Always ensure that I am in a fit and healthy state to practice. If not, I agree to stop our work until I am. If needed and agreed, I will offer you alternative professional support. 

Dedicate myself to ongoing personal and professional development. 

Create and agree upon a contract regarding expectations, rights, responsibilities and financial obligations before we start any work together.

Respect and honour your right to terminate our professional relationship at any point, subject to, and bound by, the previously agreed upon contract.

Communicate my right to terminate our professional relationship and work together at any point in our working relationship if I feel that you are no longer benefitting or if I need to do this to honor my own needs or safety, subject to, and bound by, the previously agreed upon contract. 

If I feel that you are no longer benefiting from our working relationship, I shall be clear and upfront about this.

I shall make space for feedback about our work together.

If there is any rupture in our relationship I shall:

  • make space for authentic communication of both your feelings. 

  • Offer a positive repair experience 

  • communicate my feelings with you openly and honestly

  • make every effort to listen and attune to your needs rather than simply seek to defend myself

  • act with grace and humility and not blame or shame you for any feelings or issues that may have arisen.

  • Be honest about any mistakes I may have made

  • ensure that we co-create a pathway to move forward in our relationship so that we can safely proceed together

Market my services in a way that is honest, authentic and allows for choice and consent.

Continue to be aware of, to learn and educate myself about systemic injustice in my personal and professional life:

  • I agree to commit myself to understanding systemic injustice, own my privilege and examine myself and my professional work for implicit bias. 

  • Focus on liberatory learning and unlearning

  • Help my clients to understand and deconstruct their own internalized systemic oppression