One thing I want you to know about rewiring your nervous system...

Nervous system dysregulation is unfortunately about as common as a stiff back.

(And actually, those two things are very connected! Because if we are living in patterns of dysregulation we are also living within chronic patterns of tension and constriction across all levels of our being; mind, body, soul.

Whilst it is very common, this doesn't mean that it's natural. And it certainly does't mean that it's something we should normalise as just the way we are destined to move through life.

Having a chronically dysregulated nervous system is not something we have to live with.

Living inside a body that doesn't quite feel like home is not something we should just get on with (unless that's really working out for you...?!).

Nervous system dysregulation can show up in so many ways that stop us from being able to move through our life and business with a sense of presence, connection and inner safety.

Some of the signs you may be suffering from nervous system dysregulation include:

🧠Feeling tense, on-edge and unable to relax

🧠Feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with everyday stresses

🧠Often irritable and reactive

🧠Lack focus and concentration (feel like you’re often somewhere else than HERE)

🧠Physical health issues like sleep irregularities, headaches, exhaustion, dizziness, and gut issues

🧠Hormonal imbalances (the nervous system is so connected to our hormonal system - that’s why it’s called the ‘neuro-endocrine’ system!)

🧠Constant feeling of urgency and pressure

🧠Chronic pain/illness

🧠Feeling tired and depleted

🧠Hypersensitive to environmental stimuli

🧠Struggling with overworking + perfectionism

And a lot more…Which could be rather depressing if it weren’t for the fact that:

Our whole brains and nervous systems are neuroplastic my friends - which means:

They are innately designed to be CHANGED.

We are WIRED to learn, update and evolve.


There's something really important I want you to know about this....

A dysregulated nervous system doesn’t automatically move towards regulation.

It needs new learning and new repeated experiences of connection and safety in order to do that.

Knowing that it is not only possible to update your nervous system, but also knowing that you are innately designed to be able to do this is NOT the same thing as being able to actually do it.

When we combine knowledge with new embodied experiences...that is where the magic happens my love. Doing this on our own can be hard. It can also feel like a minefield ('where do I start? What should I practice? What's important for me to know?').

We're not designed to do this all by ourselves. Our nervous systems grow and learn in community. This is just one reason why it brings me so much joy to offer my body of work to a group of women who get to walk alongside each other in this journey towards embodied connection and inner safety.

Know this:

Giving ourselves permission to seek healing communities where we can do this work together is one of the most generous gifts we can offer ourselves.

So tell me...

⚡️Do you want to learn how to befriend your nervous system? To experience more self-connection and inner safety? To move through the world with more capacity, resilience and presence?

⚡️And to do so in community?


Why trying to calm our thoughts can be pretty useless…


Do more, go faster, hurry up, brace yourself!